How to treat mononucleosis? - mononucleosis white stool
My throat is a white spot on it (not that I STREP and controlled by him, was negative) and it hurts very badly. Tomorrow, I checked for mononucleosis, British Columbia, did some research on me and my throat looks exactly like a monkey. I want to be active and quick to get rid of the thing. How can I help heal.
Not be affected until tomorrow you can. Do not drink 8 glasses of water per day to keep the immune system hydrated and get plenty of rest. Mono can be up to one year for some of them feel like new. Your immune system is compromised, do with him. Then, try to stay as healthy as possible with little effort. Fear is a killer and is hardly immune to all to improve themselves. Until you are sure what they should know that antibiotics and against all the medicines you need to be made, there are many other things you can do. Good luck and God bless
Mono is caused by EBV) (virus, because there is no treatment - other than the defense of one's own body. Antibiotics will not work for viruses. It takes its course. Just get good food, plenty of sleep and take a little easy.
Never heard of a cure at home, it is better to allow the doctor will prescribe something for you.
You get a recipe or just wait until it disappears
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